Looking forward to 2023

Looking forward to 2023

December 31, 2022 0 By Gary

New Year’s Eve gives us the opportunity to look back and be grateful for the year that was (looking at you God of War: Ragnarok and Top Gun: Maverick, amongst others) but also to look forward at the year to come.

Geek culture remains on the rise and there’s MUCH to anticipate in 2023. Here’s a list of things I’m looking forward to in the coming year – they are in no particular order.

The Book of Many Things (D&D)

This new book is expected in fall 2023 and, like Xanathar’s Guide to Everything and Tasha’s Cauldron of everything, will be a heavy resource for players. We don’t know what’s going to be in it, but you can expect subclasses, feats, spells, items and more. Even though it’s the Book of Many Things, not everything, like the previous two books.

But everything required two books, maybe it wasn’t everything after all, and many things is a more apt title.

Inspired by the D&D artifact of legendary power, this could be the final player-resource book published before One-DnD launches sometime in 2024.

What it means for the life cycle of 5e or the introduction of One-DnD we just don’t know.

Irrespective of any of that uncertainty, this type of player resource is always worth celebrating. 

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (Movie)

In May the Guardians of the Galaxy saga comes to an end with the release of Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Some of the characters may return in future movies or specials, but as a series, it’s done.

It also likely represents James Gunn’s last contributions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In October, Gunn was named co-lead of DC Studios, a newly formed division of Warner Bros to save its flagging comic-book properties.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is going to be a bittersweet experience, and possibly deeply emotional for fans who’ve fallen in love with the rag-tag band of misfits that almost nobody had heard of in 2014, particularly given it’s highly possible not everyone is going to make it through the movie intact. (Don’t stop believin’ starts playing in the background…) But they could…

Diablo 4 (Video Game)

The Diablo video game series is considered by some to be amongst the most iconic of all time – the isometric perspective; the hordes of demons; intriguing rpg elements; and its place at the forefront of multiplayer engagement. Diablo 3 is one of the best-selling games of all time.

Admittedly, the microtransactions from the mobile game Diablo Immortal have been derided, but that’s a story for another list.

There is a lot to love about the upcoming game including the reported character customization that’s been missing in previous games. The same, but more is enough for me. In 2023, telling someone to go to hell will be considered a complement thanks to Diablo 4.

The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era (Board Game)

Most every gamer is intimately familiar with the Elder Scrolls series, and with this new title from Chip Theory Games, it’s going cardboard.

The game will be a cooperative tabletop adventure for one to four players. The game is set in the world of Elder Scrolls Online and the two development teams are collaborating closely to ensure this new board game feels like it fits within that realm – however, the storyline of Betrayal of the Second Era is a unique story all on its own.

CTG is calling it their “most ambitious game,” which says something if you’re familiar with their previous experiences like Too Many Bones.

There will be a heavy emphasis on character building and exploration in this new title, which aligns well with the template set by Elder Scrolls in general.

The Mandalorian (TV)

It isn’t a stretch to say that The Mandalorian reinvigorated Star Wars audiences after what some viewed as a disappointing end to the sequel trilogy.

The adventures of Din Djarin and his Baby Yoda adopted son Grogu have touched all corners of the Star Wars galaxy and hearts all across this one. Created by Dave Filoni (The Clone Wars) and Jon Favreau (Iron Man) The Mandalorian is building its own universe and carving out territory with the introduction of fan favourite characters like Ahsoka Tano and maybe…Grand Admiral Thrawn.

There’s so much to love about the show it’s worth just sitting back and enjoying the experience.

S3 begins streaming on Disney+ on March 1st.

This is by no means a complete list. There are so many more awesome things coming in 2023, Starfield, Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, John Wick 4, Cocaine Bear, Secret Invasion, and more.

Articles like this weren’t always so easy to write. But now, more than ever, there’s so much for geeks to look forward to. Happy New Year!