CurrentC Customer E-mails Hacked
October 29, 2014One of Apple Pay’s biggest competitors have been recently hacked.
CurrentC is a mobile payment system that is supported by Mercantile Exchange, and it has sent out an e-mail too all its customers that their e-mails have been hacked and stolen. A spokesman for CurrentC has released a statment saying that,
“Yes. Within the last 36 hours, we learned that unauthorized third parties obtained the e-mail addresses of some of our CurrentC pilot program participants and individuals who had expressed interest in the app. Many of these email addresses are dummy accounts used for testing purposes only. The CurrentC app itself was not affected.
We have notified our merchant partners about this incident and directly communicated with each of the individuals whose email addresses were involved. We take the security of our users’ information extremely seriously. MCX is continuing to investigate this situation and will provide updates as necessary,”
CurrentC is a new way to purchase apps and process purchases online, it also allows customers to use this new technology to pay in retail stores with their phone as an access point.It does not bode well for the new company either considering Apple has a lot to loose if CurrentC becomes more popular than their current platform Apple Pay, which operates in a similar way on the iPhone.
There has been controversy otherwise with MCX since some of their partners such as CVS and RiteAid has disabled the technology in their stores to purchase with CurrentC.