Bob McLeod Talks Inspiration and Legacy at Wizard World Philadelphia
July 4, 2018Back in May, the Geek Chic Elite attended the 18thannual Wizard World Philadelphia. Amidst having a great time at the convention, we also got down to business and talked with artists, creators, and other pop culture movers and shakers. Our latest GCE podcast is with Bob McLeod, who we met at the convention and spoke with on the floor.
Bob McLeod is an integral figure in so many landmark comic books. In the 1980s, along with writer Chris Claremont, the New Mutants were created. We figured he probably has talked about the iconic book to death throughout the years, so we deviated a bit and asked if the upcoming movie had called on him for his thoughts. The answer may surprise you.
In addition to talking about the New Mutants, we discussed inspiration, and not just from other comic book artists. Growing up in the 50s and 60s meant that a lot of the mainstream pop culture art movement influenced him in ways that are still resonating today.
After listening to our podcast, you can learn more about McLeod’s incredible life and career over at his website: www.bobmcleod.com. He will be appearing at many more conventions throughout the remainder of the year. McLeod has illustrated for both Marvel and DC Comics, having lent his hand to such books as Wonder Woman, the New Titans, Conan the Barbarian, The Incredible Hulk, and Superman among many others. He was recommended by the very great and talented Neal Adams to work at Marvel in 1973.
Wizard World Philadelphia ran from May 17 to May 20 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. You can listen to our previous GCE podcast episode with artist Ellie Morlino by clicking here.
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