Destiny Community: WildeThang

Destiny Community: WildeThang

November 4, 2015 0 By EVA

In my last article about the Destiny community, I urged readers to subscribe to the immensely talented SkyHighLowFly – a hidden gem within the community. Today, the person of interest for this piece is someone who you may already know – WildeThang. The name may sound familiar because she just crossed the 7,800 subscriber mark on YouTube. Additionally, if you follow the weekly updates that Bungie puts out, Wilde was Honorable Mention for Movie of the Week for her Year One – Destiny Montage:

A key staple for Wilde’s channel is her daily content and the vast array in which she covers. You’ll find everything from the rewards obtained from raids to gameplay footage from Trials of Osiris. All of her videos come with commentary as well, and there is a professional polish to them, both in the editing and the overall quality of the video itself. I could go on and on, but enough of my rubbish; fortunately, I was able to get a few quotes from Wilde herself when I reached out about her channel.

Like many successful channels on YouTube, Wilde’s passion for gaming led her to start down the path to produce content on her channel: “I launched my channel after watching a few YouTubers such as the Optic Gaming team, PewDiePie, etc. As I played so many games, I thought I might as well record it and setup a YouTube channel. I’m a huge trophy hunter and love to get the platinum trophy for games. That’s why I started out doing trophy guides for PlayStation 3 games. I then moved onto walkthroughs and Let’s Plays. When the PS4 released, I played the Alpha and Beta for a game called Destiny and the rest is history. I now focus solely on Destiny content.”

When you’re locked-in trying to provide quality content to a mass audience, it’s not easy to see the finish line per se. While Wilde is open to what the future may bring, she remains focused on each and every video, “I’m always trying to improve my videos with each one I upload. I’m always going to focus on Destiny.”

When asked how she would improve her videos, she added, “I have recently thought about making my channel a little more professional by writing scripts for weapon reviews. That is the only thing I can see changing on the channel at the moment. Maybe some collaborative work would be great, and I am also thinking about doing some blooper reels.”

On the future of her channel: “I don’t really know where my channel will go. Obviously, we all want our channels to be successful or a source of income. My dream is to reach 100k subscribers so I can get one of those shiny YouTube buttons to hang on the wall.”

Don’t think that success has gone to her head, however. Wilde enjoys interacting with viewers on Twitter, on Twitch, and reads the comments for her videos: “I just love reading the lovely comments people leave on my videos saying I’ve helped them achieve something in the game. That’s what makes my day.”

It’s been a true joy for me to get to speak with and occasionally game with some really amazing Guardians in the Destiny community. As always, I want to extend a thank you to Wilde for time and willingness to answer my questions. If you’re a fan of Destiny and looking for a one-stop-shop for guides and gameplay with detailed commentary, then look no further than Wilde’s channel.