Cosplay Photoset: Team Hawkeye

Cosplay Photoset: Team Hawkeye

April 19, 2016 0 By EVA

“Today sucks. I’m goin’ back to bed.” ~Hawkeye

If you’re a fan of Marvel‘s Hawkeye, chances are you’ve read or heard of Matt Fraction and David Aja’s Hawkeye run. The storyline is a fan favourite, giving us an honest glimpse into the unglamorous lifestyle of Clint Barton, the Avenger sans superpowers. Russian cosplayers Tema Bolov and Anastasia Mironova decided to pay tribute to the comics with a shoot of their fantastic Clint Barton and Kate Bishop cosplays – also starring Gaby as Clint’s pizza dog Lucky. Not only did they do an amazing job with their costumes, but many of the photos shot by photographer Darya Kalmykova are almost exact replicas of panels from the comics.

Have a look at the photoset below and be sure to check out the artists’ pages to see more of their work. You can see more photos from the shoot on Flickr.

hawkeye cosplay 1

hawkeye cosplay 2

hawkeye cosplay 3

team hawk guy cosplay 4

hawkeye cosplay 5

kate bishop lucky cosplay 6

lucky cosplay 7

kate bishop cosplay 8

team hawk guy cosplay 9

clint barton cosplay 10

kate bishop cosplay 11

lucky cosplay 12

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