The Geeky Weekly: November 22 – November 29

The Geeky Weekly: November 22 – November 29

November 29, 2015 0 By EVA

This week blessed us with many wonderful treats, such as the Captain America: Civil War trailer. As an American, I was very thankful for that during our Thanksgiving holiday. The highly anticipated Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur comic had its first issue. And, the Man of Steel, Henry Cavill, adopted a baby bat and named it Ben. It was also the final installment of The Hunger Games movie adaptations. Plus, it’s prime shopping season!

Make sure you get your orders in at the GCE Marketplace by December 1 for the holiday cutoff!


Here’s the Geeky Weekly and some wonderful things you may have missed.


∴ J.K. Rowling doesn’t hang out too much on the Internet, but every once and awhile she logs on and bestows her multitude of wisdom. This was the case when this week a fan asked Ms. Rowling why Harry named one of his sons after Snape. Rowling answered in several tweets, discussing characterization of Snape. The picture below follows Rowling’s explanation:

rowling snape 1 jk rowling snape 2

∴ Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz took us on a thrilling ride in Ancient Egypt with The Mummy series. But, like everything else in Hollywood, no franchise is safe from a reboot. This time around, production studio Universal is talking with Tom Cruise to revitalize the monster movies. Things different this time around will be the movie is set in present day and feature a female mummy. The rumored release date is March 24, 2017.

the mummy

∴ George Barris isn’t a name every comic book fan will know, but he is important to the Batman mythology, having designed the infamous 1960’s Batmobile. While Mr. Barris passed away on November 5, pictures surfaced this week of his coffin, which was designed to look like the Batmobile. It serves as a touching remembrance to a legacy.

george barris batmobile

∴ Are we ready to get back in to the toy box? Tom Hanks is back to work on Toy Story 4. Everyone’s favorite cowboy will be back on screens along with Buzz on June 15, 2018. Hanks told The Graham Norton Show that he reports back to duty on December 2. John Lasseter is back to directing. Cue the feels!

toy story


∴ It was just last week that we were announcing the return of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and now the revival has a new mad scientist. Felicia Day and her website Geek & Sundry discussed her role this past week. MST3K was rebooted thanks to the health of the deep pockets of Kickstarter, and you can keep track of the development by visiting the page:


As of today they are at $3.1 million, and so far will bring three new episodes. If the Kickstarter reaches $5.5 million they will produce 12 episodes, so get on it folks!