Celebrating 50 Years of Doctor Who!
January 22, 2013It is hard to believe that our most favourite time traveler the Doctor is reaching the 50 year mark. If you were like me you would have been catching the rare repeat episode very early in the morning on PBS, wondering who this marvelous man in the long scarf was, and why everyone was always asking him for help. If you have been watching since the 80’s like myself, or just picked it up in 2005 with the revival of the series, I can imagine you are very excited for the anniversary special to première this spring.
According to WIRED.com, Steven Moffat has confirmed that all 11 Doctors will make an appearance in this episode… Now how can that be done you ask? Since 3 of the 11 actors have since perished, some digital trickery will be used to make sure they do not miss out on this amazing event. Personally, once I read this I could not contain my joy, and I am very thankful to be around to see this all take place. Sadly, no companions from past as of yet, but I’ll okay with the lovely Jenna-Louise Coleman as Clara to be with the Doctor on this one. So make sure you watch the return of the Doctor this spring, and make sure not to miss the special later this fall.