Top 10 Cosplays by Yaya Han
November 7, 2014An international cosplayer who designs all of her own costumes, Yaya Han is a well-known name in the cosplaying world. She is one of the lucky few who have been able to turn a hobby into a career and who have been a part of the cosplay community before it was so popular. Yaya started cosplaying some fourteen years ago when the scene was much smaller, and the only way to cosplay a character you loved was to make your own costume. Since then, Yaya has grown into what some would call a ‘cosplay icon’, traveling to conventions all over the world to meet her many fans (she has over a million followers on Facebook!), speak in panels, judge costume contests and much more. You can also see her on SyFy‘s Heroes of Cosplay. Here are some of our favorite cosplays from Yaya over the years!
I agree with the top picks 🙂 Those are definitely among the best! Love her LOL-oufits too though.
My alltime faveorite will always be Jessica Rabbit. She nailed it perfectly – even arranging the bust and the pose to make her impossible waist <3