The Mythical ‘Snyder Cut’ of ‘Justice League’ To Be Released on HBO Max

The Mythical ‘Snyder Cut’ of ‘Justice League’ To Be Released on HBO Max

May 20, 2020 0 By EVA

Just when you thought it was dead and buried, the unreleased version of 2017’s Justice League is finally going to see the light of day.

Warner Bros. is set to release director Zach Snyder’s original cut of Justice League on Warner Media’s HBO Max in 2021.

Director Zack Snyder announced the news on a live Q&A Wednesday, following a virtual screening of his Henry Cavill-led Superman film “Man of Steel.

The majority of the work for Justice League was finished by Synder but had to step away due to a family tragedy. Warner Bros. brought in Joss Whedon and the varying styles of the two men led to many a debate in wake of how the film eventually became what most deemed a disappointment.

Eventually, the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut became the rallying cry for the fandom, soon joined by the director and stars alike. Whether this is nothing but a well-orchestrated PR move for all involved remains to be seen but DC fans around the world will at least now get a chance to see what Synder’s original vision for the movie really was.