Legend of Korra Book 2 Reveal

Legend of Korra Book 2 Reveal

July 19, 2013 0 By Marc

At long last we get book 2.

Thanks to the wonderful event named San Diego Comic Con, we finally get to see the return of our favorite shows. Legend of Korra happens to be one of my favorites that seems like I have been waiting forever to come back on the air.

Book two is called “Spirits” and it looks like this story arc will focus mostly on Korra’s spiritual awaking in order to master all 4 of the elements. As we know from Book 1, Korra is a heavy-fisted avatar that has issues slowing down and taking in the world around her; this was proven in her way to learning airbending. But, this may finally be her time to gain some wisdom from her friends and family, and also the past avatars who have been through the very same trials she is about to partake.

Finally we can kick back and see this amazing animated show grace the airwaves. Check out the trailer below.

[youtube id=”7ftLm52V1y0″ width=”580″ height=”337″]