Think You Know Game of Thrones?

Think You Know Game of Thrones?

August 12, 2017 0 By EVA

When Game of Thrones is in season, every episode sends fans into a tizzy. There’s viral reactions in gif form, check-ins or announcements of no spoilers on Facebook, and then, after the episode cuts to black, theories. Every Game of Thrones fans subscribes to some kind of theory in figuring out who will sit on the Iron Throne (if anyone at all). Connecting the red string of the adapted George R.R. Martin fire and ice tales is something no fan can resist at some point.

But no theory is complete without knowledge, so we’re going to test yours.


So. How’d you do? Westeros (and Essos) are big places filled with lots of different characters with varying motivations. There’s the Houses we collectively root for and others we cringe for every success they have.With a universe so filled and complex, it’s okay to need help, especially as we near the eighth (and final) season.

But lucky for us, we had ‘100 Things Game of Thrones Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die’ by Rowan Kaiser. Kaiser is an experienced science fiction and fantasy critic, and he is able to take the pieces of the show, in relations to the novels, and thoroughly spell out the history and possibilities.

It is impossible to know all the intricacies since the show has so many moving parts, but Kaiser’s guide is well-written and categorized that flipping to a chapter, bannered by a person, place or thing in the show, leads to a plethora of knowledge. Additionally, each topic is not more than a few pages, so discovering why Littlefinger resents the Starks will only take a few minutes,

Kaiser extends his knowledge to the greater GoT universe, discussing parts to the fandom such as filming location tours, and video games. Perhaps the greatest source of his research is his take on whose stories are the most important, and, who will sit on the Iron Throne.

We encourage you to pick up this book because it’s something we’ve been picking back up after each episode has aired during this sixth season. It’s uncanny how much Kaiser has surmised, and even pulling out important moments such as Littlefinger’s ‘Chaos is a ladder’ line.


The book was released right before the sixth season started, which makes the timing ideal. It can be purchased on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


ISBN: 9781629373935



Barnes and Noble