Destiny: Please Fix the Crucible (PvP)

Destiny: Please Fix the Crucible (PvP)

January 22, 2016 0 By EVA

There are plenty of movies about parents going on vacation which results in the kids throwing a party; it isn’t a new concept. Things often get out of hand during the party and they have to scramble to put everything back together before the parents return. Well, what if the neglect of the parents is the cause of the chaos while they’re away?

Guardians haven’t received an update from Bungie, with actual substance, for over a month. In terms of hot fixes, it’s getting close to two months. Look, everyone is entitled to some vacation. While there are those who are unreasonable, I think most Guardians understand that a lack of updates over the holiday season is understandable. The real issue: They are losing faith that when Bungie returns, they won’t address the myriad of issues in the game, specifically those that exist in the Crucible (PvP).

Despite the fact that The Taken King is filled with rich and abundant content, the PvE side of things has become extremely stale. Most Guardians have completed every possible quest on at least one character, and they roll their eyes at the thought of having to grind the same exact quests on two more. That pretty much leaves the Crucible as their lone “distraction” until genuinely new content arrives. Honestly, that’s not a bad thing.

The reality of most FPS games is that the quality of the online PvP aspect of the game generally dictates its life span. Destiny is a solid blend of PvE and PvP and Guardians are able to take gear acquired in either environment into the other. Obviously, not all gear and loadouts are created equal, but that provides more of an “incentive” to keep grinding in Destiny than other FPS games; that’s just the nature of RNG. But like all things, if the quality of the experience is poor, nothing else really matters.

There are two issues that Guardians are voicing the most: The amount of lag they are experiencing in the Crucible, and a revision to matchmaking that emphasizes pitting Guardians of similar “skill” against one another.

The former can be attributed to the reduction of emphasis placed on matching Guardians based on their connection. It was rare to be matched against someone halfway around the world prior to TTK. Now, it’s nearly every game.

The latter revolves around something that many Guardians were suspecting and Bungie just confirmed yesterday in their weekly update. But don’t just take my word for it. ApexChris of Resolute published a video on his YouTube channel (seen below) outlining both of these issues.

In the end, things are very stale in Destiny right now. Guardians are waiting with baited breath to see what Bungie has in store for us in 2016. With The Division dropping in a little less than two months, it’s plausible that Bungie does something “big” to keep Guardians attention. Still, it would be nice if they fixed the issues for the faithful until that time comes. With PvP as the lone “attraction” for many Guardians, it would be a statement of faith to keep that attraction fully operational. In the meantime, if you are looking for something different to play and love games of chance, choose casino sites like for all of your online gaming needs.