History in Epic Style: Sons of Chaos

History in Epic Style: Sons of Chaos

September 29, 2019 0 By Gary

Sons of Chaos is a large format graphic novel written by Chris Jaymes and lavishly illustrated by Ale Aragon; our own Laura chatted the project with Chris on the GCE podcast (listen by clicking here).

Published by IDW, and set in the early 19th century, Sons of Chaos tells the story of Marcos Botsaris, a pivotal figure in the Greek revolution against the Ottoman Empire, and his journey from prisoner to military commander, and war hero.

The Ottoman Empire was one of the most influential forces in the latter half of the last millennium. At its height, the empire stretched from Central Europe, across Northern Africa, throughout what’s now the middle east, and Western Asia. Of course their empire included Greece, including the birthplace of Marcos Botsaris.

Sons of Chaos is sprawling and beautiful. It’s an epic in the style of 300, with the intrigue of a modern political thriller; think Game of Thrones, without the dragons (or the undead).

Where Sons of Chaos amazes is that it’s based on true events.

That there are still amazing heroes about whom we know little left to mine for quality entertainment is a testament to the audacity of our word, and the men and women who shaped it.


The work

The story itself has everything you could want: prison breaks, love, fierce battles, heroic battles, and much like their Spartan ancestors, unwinnable odds.

The writing is compelling, and presents the story in a way that makes sense to the audience; it’s well-paced, and cleverly immerses the reader in the stakes of the story, before diving into the origin one needs to know for the narrative to unfold.

The art is gritty, and visceral; it reveals a world of deep oppression, and hope borne of desperation.

While the book is on the slightly expensive side (39.99 US/53.99 CAN), it’s 192 pages, a full hardcover, and 13.5×10.5.

It’s both wider, higher, and thicker than the 300 graphic novel (by way of comparison.

If you like fantasy, historical fiction, history, or just bloody good reads, Sons of Chaos is well worth a look. The large-format work is available at local comic book stores, and wherever fine graphic novels are sold.

“Freedom. Or death.”

A review copy of Sons of Chaos was provided for this review.