March 24, 2016 0 What’s at Stake for Batman V. Superman? The Universe By Gary Batman V. Superman could change the course of an entire movie universe: its success will mean a decade of DC…
February 2, 2016 0 Harry Potter Anime Cards For Die Hard Potter Fans By Marc WB and Rowling have allowed your favorite Harry Potter characters to become anime trading cards!
January 22, 2016 0 It’s Not Too Late to Start Watching Supergirl By Gary Update: Supergirl has been renewed for Season 2 but is moving to Vancouver to cut costs and over to the CW Network.…
October 4, 2015 0 The Geeky Weekly: September 27 – October 4 By EVA Welcome back to another edition of the Geeky Weekly, and another week where we endeavor to bring you a rundown…
January 18, 2014 0 Batman Vs. Superman: Delayed Until 2016 By Marc Some (maybe) good news for the upcoming Zack Snyder film was dropped this week.