The Newest Expansion to The One Ring RPG & Lord of the Rings 5E Explores Moria
September 5, 2023Free League Publishing, creators of Tales from the Loop, the Alien and Blade Runner RPGs, and Coriolis, are expanding their award-winning The One Ring RPG (second edition) and Lord of the Rings Roleplaying (5e) gane beneath the mountains with a new expansion Moria expansion, available now for pledges on Kickstarter!
Moria – Through the Doors of Durin, for One Ring and Moria – Shadow of Khazad-dum, for Lord of the Rings Roleplaying (5e) bring players into the unique city of the Dwarrowdelf, once the seat of Dwarven kings, right beyond measure in gold and mithril.
Do orcs, goblins, or worse still dwell in Durin’s halls?
Seems a quest for heroes!

For the remainder of this story I will be referring to these two products collectively, but they are separate for two different game systems. If a difference exists, I’ll specify.
Billed as the biggest expansion yet for these games, the Moria expansion will include a dramatis personae, including rivals, allies, and patrons in the Quest for Moria. It will also have an expansive history of the Dwarven city from its founding to its fall.
Of course, the book wouldn’t be complete without the fell foes heroes might encounter in Moria, the orcs, and other enemies that just might be found in the city.
The largest part of the book is called “The Mansions of the Dwarves” and describes the hazards and Landmarks heroes may face while beneath the mountain.
Through the Doors of Durin, The One Ring RPG version, also describes the city and surrounding lands as they existed during the last years of the Third Age.
Lavishly illustrated by various artists, the book will include a detailed map of Moria, painted by acclaimed map artist Francesco Mattioli. Based on painstaking research into the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, the map will be included in the books, and a cloth version will be available in the deluxe bundle and as an add-on.
The Deluxe faux-leather cover (pictured top left) will only be available through the Kickstarter, it will not be reprinted – it looks gorgeous, and seems a deal for roughly $80 USD ($99 Canadian).
The campaign has unlocked all 14 of its stretch goals and is currently sitting at more than $1.1 million Canadian, with more than 10,000 backers.
The deluxe package (for One Ring or 5e) retails for about $120 USD ($150 Canadian) and includes the Collector’s Edition of the book, including a PDF copy, the large cloth Moria map pictured (not final) on the left and an exclusive art print by John Howe (a bit small at 216mm x 279 mm or roughly 7 inches by 10 inches) one of the chief conceptual designers on Peter Jackson’s film trilogy. (The Lord of the Rings, obv)
All in all, it seems like a robust expansion, at a fairly reasonable cost. The standard book will be about $35 USD ($50 Canadian) plus shipping, which isn’t bad.
They are estimating that the campaign should deliver in May, 2024, which is about 8 months away.
Free League is a reputable publisher, with a bunch of successful Kickstarter campaigns under its belt, in an established product line, so it feels like the overall campaign risk is low.
So if you love The Lord of the Rings, checking out the Moria Kickstarter is well worth your while! (Even if you just wanted to buy the cloth map, as an add on!) Check it out. The campaign ends in 8 days.
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