Tony’s Workshop Gets a Shield Upgrade
June 17, 2024Earlier this year, you might recall, the Marvel Multiverse RPG launched a new feature on its website ( called Tony’s Workshop, which the team would use to post draft game mechanics, new features, and so on.
Well, it got an update.
On June 14th, they added a new rule about shields like Strange’s Shield of the Seraphim, Telekinetic Projection, and Elemental Projection.
Now, any damage that exceeds the shield’s protection value gets through upon its destruction. Say for example, Jean Grey was using Telekinetic Projection 1, which protects for a value of 10.
Any damage of 9 or less, is instantly absorbed. That part hasn’t changed.
Previously, damage of 10 or greater would destroy the shield, but the character would remain unharmed. Now, any damage above 10 is transferred to a character’s health points.
So in the Jean Grey example above, 15 damage would destroy her shield – 10 damage would be absorbed, 5 damage would not be. It’s a good change, because in the end, it makes the higher level powers more useful – if you can spend 5 focus on TP1, and come out unharmed from any attack, why would you ever spend 20 Focus on TP4?
New Power Set: Omniversal Travel
I’ll admit, my comics knowledge is a bit out of date. I stopped collecting a few years ago, but I have no idea which character this powerset is geared toward!
But undoubtedly it’s going to play a role in one of the new books. The Marvel Database suggests that Bishop (from the X-Men) was taken into Dreamtime, once, but as I recall his power to travel is technical, not mutant.
Anyway, this is a mystery for another day!