May 18, 2017 0 So You Liked Riverdale, Now What? By EVA If you watched the CW’s newest hit show Riverdale, and are as obsessed with it as much as I am, you might…
May 8, 2017 0 REVIEW: Rise of the Dungeon Master from Nation Books By EVA Out tomorrow, May 9, 2017, from Nation Books is Rise of the Dungeon Master by David Kushner and Koren Shadmi.…
March 23, 2015 0 Collector Spotlight Series: Marsden Dawn By EVA Everyone has their hobbies and in our world, comics reign supreme. So it was easy to turn the scope on…
February 15, 2015 0 The Geeky Weekly – Feb. 9 – Feb. 15. By EVA There was some great news flooding the internet this week, between Spider-Man rejoining the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the announcement…
July 1, 2014 0 Wonderland: Asylum Review By EVA I’ve always had a hard time resisting anything to do with the wonderful and wacky world of Wonderland, no matter…
May 24, 2014 0 Win Graphic Novels from 2000 AD! By Steph Mernagh Celebrating our 2000 follower milestone on our Facebook, Geek Chic Elite has paired up with the fantastic 2000 AD to…